© 2018 All Star Properties, LLC. All rights reserved.
Oregon Parks Commercial Lots
Commercial & Multi-Family For Sale in Oregon, WI
5440 Willow Rd, Ste. 101, Waunakee, WI 53597
(608) 663-1445 | office
info@allstargroup.net | email
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM
These Lots are attached to a Great Subdivision with plenty of potential customers.
Oregon Parks Neighborhood is situated just across form beautiful
"The Legend at Bergamont" Golf Club
Lots have access to municipal water, sewer, roads, & electricity.
Please note that price changes occur from time to time without notification.
Bryan Elliott
Licensed Broker
Call Now For
More Information
(608) 663-1445
1,2,3,4 (R3 Lots) ----------
53,65,66 (B-C Lots PUD)
56 (B-G Lot) ----------------
55 (B-G Lot) ----------------
58,59 (B-C Lots PUD) ---
54 (B-G Lot) ------------
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